In this video, I’ll walk you through the process that revolutionized systematic literature reviews with the power of AI. ▼ ▽ Sign up for my FREE newsletter Join 19,000+ email subscribers receiving free tools and academic advice directly from me: ▶ Become a master academic writer with AI using my course: ▶ Use my Ultimate PhD Kickstart: 12-Point System for success for aspiring PhD students to get your PhD off to a strong start: ▶ My best YouTube advice curated into an easy-to-follow course, Effortless Academia: ▶ Applying for a PhD? Get my FREE PhD Application Resource Pack to apply with confidence: ▶ Learn what I wish I knew before I started my PhD in my eBook set:…

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32 thoughts on “Write A Masterpiece Systematic Literature Review With AI [Next Level Strategies]”
  1. Would love you hear your thoughts on something I've never heard of, nor expected to need to do in a undergrad degree (IT), and that is "A Survey" – is it a non-systematic literature review and is that the bare bones distinction or is it something else special?

    Ironically, in the only applied AI unit my school offers so far, we're being instructed to write "A Survey" for a tier 2 unit because there is this nascent preconception that just a case study or other research report would be too simple to plagiarize with AI capabilities as they are.

    I think your existing resources are going to be a great help thank you!

  2. MAJOR HACK: If you actually have to do searching for a systematic review the best tool you have access to is – a librarian. Literally. We're like deep neural networks who've been trained on systematic searching for years and years, you can ask us questions, we'll chat with you, online if you like, we'll get trained up on your topic real quick, you'll have publishable search strategies in the quickest time possible. This channel is great, AI is great, but if REALLY HAVE TO DO AN SR just chat to a librarian

  3. Hi @DrAndyStapleton I am just starting my masters in the educational sector, loving your videos, i find them very helpful. Can you recommend an ai platform that i can use to rewrite my draft introduction into a more powerful academic introduction? Its currently at around 2800 words and i need it to be around 1200 words,😊. Thanks

  4. Top of the pile – Excelent tips! I'm trying to improve my literature review and your videos have helped me a lot! Thanks so much! I write from Brazil and soon I plan to be in Newcastle with my research on technical cooperation;

  5. I bought Hey GPT following your suggestion a while ago but it seems like it is a non-evolving scam that is not going anywhere. Do you know what they are up to?

  6. Thanks Andy, big fan of your work!

    Do you have any suggestions/tools to analyse my existing knowledge base (which I organised via sections/headings in a word doc over many years)? I’ve tried uploading this to GPT-4 and then ask it to summarise a given aspect of the doc (eg which studies have measured construct X), but it doesn’t do a very good job. Thanks!

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