At Siggraph 2024, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg discuss what’s next for generative AI. Subscribe to CNET on YouTube: Never miss a deal again! Check out CNET’s browser extension 👉 Check out CNET’s Amazon Storefront: Follow us on TikTok: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on X: Like us on Facebook: CNET’s AI Atlas: Visit

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32 thoughts on “Nvidia’s Jensen Huang & Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg Talk AI at Siggraph: Everything in 9 Minutes”
  1. AI stocks will dominate 2024. Why I prefer NVIDIA is that they are better placed to maintain long term growth potential, and provide a platform for other AI companies. I know someone who has made more than 200% from NVIDIA. I'll also take any other recommendations you make.

  2. The upheavals [of artificial intelligence] can escalate quickly and become scarier and even cataclysmic. Imagine how a medical robot, originally programmed to rid cancer, could conclude that the best way to obliterate cancer is to exterminate humans who are genetically prone to the disease.

  3. Ahora parece que lo mås importante del mundo es dar bomo a la AI cuando no es mås que un engaña bobos y todos los borregos creyéndose todas las chorradas que dicen estas personas. Es verdad que habrån ciertas tareas que la AI las harå mås råpido, dudo que mejor, que una persona pero delegar en un ordenador, por muy potente que sea su procesador, en tomar decisiones a todos los niveles no es la solución a ninguno de los problemas o retos que tiene el mundo. Si realmente estas empresas dedicasen los mismos recursos que estån usando en promocionar esta AI en otros temas mås importante y prioritatios, el mundo iría bastante mejor.

  4. fs can someone get rid of this guy he’s ruining our earth so badly why can’t anyone see that he’s divided the whole world! now he’s trying to speed it up creating this bs there will be mass censorship the likes you’ve never seen before these algorithms will be much faster and you will only see what they want you to see they will have total control as for these ais there are risks and doesn’t it pi ss you off hes putting you at risk without you’re permission? These decisions should be taken by international consensus, not in the boardroom of a tech giant.”

  5. Ffs can someone get rid of this guy he’s ruining our earth so badly why can’t anyone see that he’s divided the whole world! now he’s trying to speed it up creating this bs there will be mass censorship the likes you’ve never seen before these algorithms will be much faster and you will only see what they want you to see they will have total control as for these ais there are risks and doesn’t it pi ss you off hes putting you at risk without you’re permission? These decisions should be taken by international consensus, not in the boardroom of a tech giant.”

  6. someone get rid of this guy he’s ruining our earth so badly why can’t anyone see that he’s divided the whole world! now he’s trying to speed it up creating this bs there will be mass censorship the likes you’ve never seen before these algorithms will be much faster and you will only see what they want you to see they will have total control as for these ais there are risks and doesn’t it pi ss you off hes putting you at risk without you’re permission? These decisions should be taken by international consensus, not in the boardroom of a tech giant.”

  7. Listening to these two pipe dreamers makes me think WTF r they smoking?😂 Zuckerberg counts his cows on expensive land not accessible for locals in Hawaii and Huang sees everywhere AI and power hungry datacenters when people r still struggling to pay for electricity. Social media is social to the point when they become just one BIG ADVERTISEMENT and DATA COLLECTION! Be more REAL and do something for the people who need it the most. These billionaire and trillionaire "problems", just fly to that moon or Mars already so u can find out u got lucky rich only to make it right here on this rock, not in your next escape land.

  8. No thank you
..people who participate should take the time to read the terms and conditions of to whom, what, when, where and how your will be sold to the highest bidders!!

  9. Zuckerberg still, to this day, just doesn't get life or humans , does he?
    He only knows how to show you more of what you liked in the past. That's not how humans work.
    We want to be surprised, an idea out of nowhere, like Steve Jobs said "people don't know what they want until you show it to them", whereas Mark here is saying "OK, so people liked that thing, so I will just keep showing that same thing to them forever, I will now even make an AI version of those people who liked that same thing so I can show even more of that same thing to those same people and the AI version of those people"

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