An experimental F-16 fighter jet took Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall on a historic flight operated by artificial intelligence rather than a human pilot. (AP Video by Eugene Garcia and Mike Pezzoli) Subscribe: Read more: This video may be available for archive licensing via

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32 thoughts on “New AI-powered fighter jet takes Air Force chief for historic ride”
  1. This makes it sound like the first time driving a car in a parking lot with dad. I have been hearing it has been competing against combat pilots, and winning. The press is so full of verbal manure.

  2. How is AI different from brute force computation on a trained input output map? I feel AI is kind of a hype rather than anything truly new or novel. Like ChatGPT – take input text or voice to text, interpret and assign meaning based on training, search for and construct best response – output back to user.

  3. If someone had told me we'd be using AI – piloted F-16s to draw fire back in 1990 i would have felt that to be tantamount to burning DaVinci paintings cause you're cold

  4. I have wondered why it has taken so long to bring something like this system to be tried. I was an Instrument and autopilot tech on the F111D. The F111D had the capability for it's navigation computer to be programed with a tape machine to store 99 different target or way point locations and automatically fly the aircraft to those locations. This capability was available over 50 years ago. To have the aircraft perform evasive maneuvers or attack maneuvers by computers seems a fairly easy additional task. It may be that it was feared that the system couldn't be trusted to be tamper proof or simply because it would remove the need for pilots. Most top USAF generals/decision makers were or are pilots.

  5. To think that the YF-23 had one of the most powerful computers on the planet during it's development, and than this thing has a computer powerplant THAT massive…. The technology available must be staggering.

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