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34 thoughts on “Micro Agent, a New AI Coding Agent, in 60 Seconds”
  1. I love seeing how long it takes to get 1 working script from chatgpt. i would give a prompt with the minimal requirements and keep sending gpt its own code and the errors i get. i call it "doing the rubics gpt". it's when you keep trying to get gpt to make something and you realise that it ends up on a previous version again after a couple tries before succeeding.

  2. Before , ai was used as SDE , now its an SDET ๐Ÿ˜‚ .

    I liked you approach , but worst case it can take more time than normal .

    But best case it improves the code quality . ๐Ÿ˜Š

  3. You're just moving the goalposts, now you have to write and debug tests.
    A broken clock is right twice a day.
    How about we as programmers stop making our projects by slapping layer upon layer of shitty code on top of eachother and actually just write decent programs, like people who actually understand computers and programming do.

  4. there's a logical interpretation gap between human problems and what AI can innately understand and solve. Once the gap is filled we may never face any problem with AI ever again. The workarounds like this one may be obsolete once the models get better

  5. Writing good tests means you understand what you need. But our job is usually spent thinking what you need. Sure AI can perfectly define an email validator but not all problems are not well defined like that.

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