In this video, I enter the world of Perplexity AI, showing how this powerful tool can revolutionize academic research. If you’ve ever wondered “what is Perplexity AI” or how it can improve your learning, this tutorial is for you. Perplexity AI stands out in the field of artificial intelligence by offering detailed and accurate research insights that can save you countless hours. ▼ ▽ Sign up for my FREE newsletter Join 21,000+ email subscribers receiving free tools and academic advice directly from me: ▼ ▽ MY COURSES AND E-BOOKS ▼ ▽ ▶ Become a Master Academic Writer with AI using my course: ▶ Use my Ultimate PhD Kickstart : A 12-point success system for aspiring PhD students to start your PhD off strong: ▶ My best YouTube advice curated into an easy-to-follow course, Effortless Academia:…

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29 thoughts on “Game-Changer: Use Perplexity AI to Conquer Academia (101)”
  1. I feel like Perplexity, just like the models it uses, is pretty good at giving general information, but isn't great with details (I know models can make things up, but still…). Undergrads and grad students might find it handy for a quick overview of a subject, but it's not very helpful for brainstorming advanced (biomedical) science, yet. Or it’s just my ignorance…

  2. Can you explain how AI can help to "OUTDATE" publications?
    We suffer in many fields from thousands of papers which are not valid any more because science has proven them to be wrong. How do we ever get rid of such papers. (Example: corrupt HIV and Climate Hoax claims)

  3. Leave a like and comment if u want to get perplexity for cheap !

    Im doing a group buy as well as a cheap limited offer on the yearly subscription on YOUR MAIL for 29$ instead of 200$!

  4. Perplexity is a nice tool. It finds real documents, and generally limits its answers to those sources. This means there is much less room for hallucination.

    Its built on other LLMs, so it can go off on a tangent with its own knowledge. when it does do, its less reliable. Be aware. Look to see if it goes beyond its listed sources.

    It will fill in some details – from the listed sources – with its own knowledge. this is ok if they are just minor details. For example, it uses a standard easy to read style, regardless of the style of its sources.

    I find that it relieves me of tedious research, and cuts thru links that go on forever.

    You might say that Perplexity is the first true "knowledge engine," rather than a "weight / parameter based engine." For most LLMs, we dont have a way to verify that wts are correct, other than crude back prop and gradient descent – which is very crude but all we have – short of Perplexity.

    One day all parameters in LLms will shift to real knowledge bits – Perhaps rules or semantic nodes by the millions or billions. They can be checked for accuracy, one at a time.

    So Perplexity is a precursor to the day when LLMs will contain real knowledge. Its main functions:

    o it finds documents
    o It puts them in a standard format summary – that you can check against the found docs. Easily.
    o It does not put the main points in subordinate clauses – or imitate the crappy writing habits of some authors.
    o its an intelligence multiplier for humans.
    o We can focus on what we are good at. Einstein: "imagination is greater than knowledge." Use our vision, dont plod thru shit work.

    Dont think that AI will get smarter and smarter. There is speed limit to AI, its like c, the speed of light. Call it a. Its caused by a math wall and other factors. When you accelerate close to c, energy requirements go to infinity. Same with a. Energy needs become monstrous and impossible.

    Would it take all the energy in the solar system to achieve and IQ of 1 million? lacking the imagination of Einstein, would it still be below humans?

  5. Perplexity is much better than chatgpt4, however, I would recommend using paperpal or scispace for detail understanding and literature review. What do you think?

  6. Awesome tool! Very nice, even though its prime for ocums razor scientific standard reduction of big bang computed/space between .
    Any day etymology will simulate convergences its just a Matter of compute lol

  7. I think it's wonderful that when you ask Perplexities about the problem it has with its unethical use of copyright material – it tells you all about how bad they are with that and if you ask if it might threaten the future of the company, they'll tell you that too. It was fun to play around with questions about their intellectual theft and unethical business practices. Perhaps they're the next AltaVista

  8. this also misses important details in paper . Sorry I had to unsubscribe from you Andy because you are promoting irresponsible AI. please just stick to basic phd advice and not LLMs.

  9. Perplexity is so awesome. Im using it to explore hypothesis and dig into different research topics, it's so useful and just great to use 🙂
    Thanks again for another awesome video!

  10. I find perplexity is far.more useful than chatgpt but i actually find the academic mode unusable, when i run it on literature that i know in depth it usually fails to find top references and pver half are completely different fields!

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