Nolan and Nate share 5 AI tools that will save you hundreds of hours of video editing! ⭐️ Rethink content retargeting and create viral content with here! ➡️ 🔥 Join us for the #1 Video Marketing Conference in the US for Entrepreneurs 👉 ⭐️ Check out our FREE CLASS on 3 Secrets to Grow Your YouTube Channel in 2024 here!: This video is sponsored by Some product links are affiliate links, which means if you buy something, we’ll get a small commission. ============================== All products and equipment mentioned in this video =========== === ================ Capcut ➡️ Adobe Podcast Enhance ➡️ OpusClip ➡️ ➡️ Gling Ai ➡️ ================ ==== ======== Contact us! …

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25 thoughts on “5 AI Tools That Save Me 100+ Hours of Editing!”
  1. Horrible video for anyone who works in post production. When it started with CapCut i knew it was going to be bad, but it was all downhill from there. These tools are kind of useless unless you want your videos to blend into the background noise of AI videos on the web. I was hoping for tools i could use within my editing software (FinalCutX, premiere or AVID). When im in my feeds i tend to scroll past anything made by opus or these other tools because they make it so formulaic i know its not worth my time.

    Thats not even touching on these fake personalities talking. Be genuine!

  2. Hi, this question is for anybody that knows better than I do. I’m looking to purchase a new laptop for home use and to do content creation, I really have a bad taste in my mouth about PCs. And I’d like to get an apple. Can I do everything with an apple?

  3. Some of the AI tools work very well, while others don't really work and keeps on editing out the wrong things. But thanks for the video, introduced me to some pretty good AI tools!

  4. 🎯 Key points for quick navigation:

    00:14 🎥 CapCut – AI Video Editor
    – CapCut offers AI tools like background remover and video upscaling.
    02:33 🔊 Adobe Podcast Enhance – Audio Enhancement
    – Adobe Podcast Enhance is a lifesaver for improving audio quality in rough recordings.
    03:57 🎞 Opus – Automated Video Editing
    – Opus automates video editing by finding viral moments, adding captions, and more.
    05:19 🎙 Vid. a – Video Editing Automation
    – Vid. a helps create clips from long-form videos automatically, saving time and effort.
    07:36 ✂️ Gling DoAI – Automated Video Trimming
    – Gling DoAI streamlines video editing by automatically identifying and cutting out the best takes.

  5. Tailored Approach for Different Age Groups.
    Understanding the communication preferences of different demographics, such as the 25-40 age group preferring discussions with parents over friends.

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