This video explores 20 emerging technologies and their future. Watch this next video about the 10 stages of AI: 🎁 5 Free ChatGPT Prompts to Become Superhuman: πŸ€– AI for Business Leaders (Udacity Program): β˜• My Patreon: ➑️ Official Discord Server: ___ πŸ’‘ Future Business Tech Explores the Future of Technology and the world. Examples of topics I cover include: β€’ Artificial Intelligence and Robotics β€’ Virtual and Augmented Reality β€’ Brain-Computer Interfaces β€’ Transhumanism β€’ Genetic Engineering SUBSCRIBE: ___ Disclaimer: Some links in this description are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn on qualified purchases. ___ This video explores 20 emerging technologies and their future. Other Related Terms: AI, artificial intelligence, future business technology, future technology,…

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34 thoughts on “20 Emerging Technologies That Will Change The World”
  1. 3:46 if the gay community believes that there is a β€œgay gene” than this must surely follow that this can be β€œedited out” and replaced – mankind, through the use of such scientific and technological β€œadvances” has no moral nor ethical right to alter what God has created

  2. We must learn about all of these technologies in order to β€œknow your enemies” and in dealing with these from the mindset of aware and informed caution, ready to oppose those things if it is not good for humanity beyond the β€œpositives” injecting reality into these discussions, even if considered β€œunpopular” and β€œnegative” to do so – being skeptical, being a contrarian, being a Luddite and highlighting the β€œnegatives” is very important in these discussions, as is challenging β€œprogress” for its own sake

  3. Fantastic… Technology has always been a driver of major changes in human history, and in the future, one of the technologies that is predicted to change the world is artificial intelligence (AI). AI has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives, from the way we work, to the way we learn, to the way we interact with the world around us 🀘😝🀘🀘😝🀘🀘😝🀘

  4. humans are far more dangerous than I thought. You are not ready yet for some of this technology. Becareful what you wish for, it may seek satisfaction.
    1. Artificial General Intelligence

    2. CRISPR Gene Editing

    3. Quantum Computing

    4. Neuralink and Similar Brain Computer Interfaces

    5. Humanoid Robots

    6. Generative AI

    7. Starlink satellite and Internet

    8. Artificial Wombs

    9. Nanotechnology

    10. Internet of Things

    11. Autonomous Vehicles

    12. Space Tourism

    13. Smart Cities

    14. Mixed Reality

    15. 3D Printing

    16. Solid State Batteries

    17. Fusion Power

    18. Blockchain

    19. Smart Homes

    20. Lab-Grown Meat

  5. Human coating organs are essential to environmental stress of diseases like a body being exposed to radiation or the action to the action of humans not being exposed,by organism coating

  6. All good. But address the fundamental fact that our need for technological healing is from our toxic intake. Once that’s addressed by the scientific emeritus the need to target cancer will vanish.

  7. I'm not interested in being around to see any of this. Just not interested and don't think it's cool at all in any way. Makes no sense. They got tired of trying to cure human diseases gave up on humans and just created robots who are not real as the robots are heartless. We are doomed. Ready for heaven over here. πŸ’―

  8. The algorithm needs to be changed now. AI is making us dependent on our phones. No social interaction, birth rates will decline everywhere that has technology and God forbid Bluetooth. Thank you Covid 19, TikTok and Instagram for birthing the Matrix. Neo, Trinity, where are you? We need you now, …

  9. I'm going to ask a stupid question. How does Gene editing work? You alter one gene but then how does it populate the rest of the body? What happens to the old genes? Can you alter genes in a living person? Can you transplant genes with longer telomeres and have that extend the life of a body?

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